Debbie’s Story

debbie_bioIn 2010, I made the decision to change my life. I didn’t like how I looked or felt in my clothes. I was up a few sizes, I felt flabby and fluffy, and my self-confidence was low. I realized that for my body frame I was considered overweight. I knew that I needed to make some changes. I was almost 46 at the time and I knew that losing the weight wasn’t going to be easy at that age. But I was determined!

I sought out a trainer who I had known for many years and respected and admired. I needed an experienced trainer and I knew that he would assist me in reaching my goals. I decided not only to train with him twice per week for two 1/2 hour sessions, but also to follow his nutrition guidelines of eating lean meat, fish, and plants. Because I have always been passionate about health and fitness, I also became a Certified Personal Trainer and followed his training style.

Today, I am training clients to do exactly what I did and continue doing and I take great satisfaction in seeing their transformations. They are getting great results and their lives are changing for the better!! Not only do they feel better but their confidence is up!

I am grateful for my journey and for the opportunity to be able to share it with others! It wasn’t and will never be easy, but then again, is life ever easy? Why should this be any different?

I look forward to assisting you with your fitness goals! I’ve been there and I know what it takes to get you where you want to be!” -Debbie Martilotta

If you’re ready to make a change, or have any questions about the program, please don’t hesitate to Contact Us!